A State Of Flo

Established in 2024, A State Of Flo in an exploration into the biological and ecological basis for music. We do this by combining field recordings, deep listening, ecoacoustics, dance rituals, immersive environments, radio, the metaverse, generative AI, psychedelics, fungi and more. Substack gives us the opportunity to present the context behind each release and build a community of like-minded humans, outside of the tyranny of social media and streaming platform algorithms.

Why subscribe?

We’re exploring new ways to release music in 2024, and have a LOT lined up to share this year. Subscribers will gain early access, expanded content and a load of free music. We’re also experimenting a lot with novel technology in the music sphere - we’d love to bring you along on this journey.

Free Music

We’re going to explore using this channel as a way to release music from A State Of Flo records, our new record label. Paid subscribers will automatically get access to all forthcoming releases, as well as music from the back catalogue too.

Ambient Flo Radio and ‘zine

We’re consolidating the Ambient Flo radio community onto Substack, which currently sits on Patreon. Subscribers will receive a free 32-page ‘zine with guest interviews and access to interviews and podcasts we’ve done over the past 3 years - including the likes of James Holden, Cold Cut, Eris Drew, Gigi Masin, Grand River and many more

Join me…

We’re creating a community outside of social media and the tyranny of algorithms. Join us and let’s chat over the one thing that will always bring us together: music and listening. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a subscription.

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Subscribe to A State Of Flo

A new way to LISTEN in 2024: exploring the biological and ecological basis of music in the digital age. Via: A State Of Flo Record Label, Ambient Flo Radio, Auntie Flo releases, Explorations in AI, Field Recordings, Psychedelics and more


I'm exploring new ways to release music in 2024. I DJ and produce music (as Auntie Flo), create sonic art, curate Ambient Flo radio, qualified in sound therapy & psychology, founder of tech startups Open Ear & Swell. Not a writer but trying my best!